Many a quiet library has been enlivened with book addicts transformed into dancers for the day at Jacky’s Tea Dances! Tower Hamlets, Waltham Forest and Newham Library Services have booked Jacky to play music, run quizzes, teach a few steps, take music reminiscence and dance history sessions and generally involve people in a love of music and dance.

Click here to see Jacky in action at the Coffee Morning Disco at Bow Idea Store. She has also taught basic steps and provided music for Ballroom and Latin Dance workshops at The Southbank Centre, Chelsea Theatre, East London Out Project and other community events.
Jacky runs Mix & Move sessions at the South Bank Centre.

Hi Jacky,
Happy New Year.
I’m the Event Manager in the Events for London team at the Greater London Authority . I oversee the delivery of a series of free annual events, presented by the Mayor of London on Trafalgar Square including Diwali, Eid, St Patrick’s Day, Vaisakhi and St George’s Day.
We are currently in the process of programming St George’s day on Sunday 21 April 2023 from 12-6pm and I’d love to speak to you about the possibility of you delivering either an afternoon tea dance, Jacky’s jukebox or something similar on the Square.
Please do let me know if you are available, interested and please share your contact details so I can get in touch.
Kind regards,
Hi Anna,
I dont know if it is too late, but please contact me at or 07715421349.
I can show you photos of previous events I have run in Trafalgar Square featuring the Pink Dancers – same sex formation dance team