Jacky is a regular performer with The Pink Dancers – a same-sex ballroom & latin show dance group. She has travelled the globe, to Copenhagen, Berlin, Amsterdam, Paris & other cities to host events and perform with them.
They were a big hit on the stage of the MOVE IT festival at Earls Court in 2008. They were part of The Trafalgar Square Festival and The River Cultures Festival in 2006. The Choreographer & founder of the group is Ralf Schiller.

The Pink Dancers were formed in 1992 and is made up of quality amateur dancers who come together to weave intricate patterns on the dance floor, often changing partners & breaking down traditional gender restrictions, presenting different combinations of leading & following roles, incorporating women leading men, women leading women, men leading men etc.
The Pink Dancers host an annual ball, which has been held at Bishopsgate Institute for past few years. It is a well-attended highlight in the calendar of social dance events. Over the last decade, they have been invited to perform in events all over the country, taking them to venues such as the British Film Institute, and cities such as Brighton and Coventry. They have also taken part in Equality Dance competitions such as the EuroGames and Gay Games, visiting Blackpool, Stockholm, Berlin, Paris and Rome, collecting medals along the way. In 2016 they became the European Champions in the Showdance Team category at the EuroGames in Helsinki. They also won Gold in the same category at the inaugural U.K. Equality Open in 2019.
Book Pink Dancers or find out more about Latin and Ballroom same-sex couple dancing, contact Jacky For examples of performances and more details visit their Facebook site. There is now a video of the silver medal winning performance by the Pink Dancers at the Out Games 2009 in Copenhagen. You can see it on YouTube Pink Dancers Video.